If you’re like most of my clients, you probably wrote the copy for your first website yourself–and you certainly won’t get any shade from me for that.
In fact, I think it’s important to spend time working with paying clients at the start of your business before you invest money in developing your brand message. There’s just too much learning and evolving that happens in that first year or two of being in business to be able to solidify messaging.
But once you’ve been in business for a while, the time will come when you realize that your original messaging and copy needs to go. It makes total sense that as you evolve as a person, designer, and business owner, your brand messaging will need to evolve with you. You always want the voice of your brand to reflect where you currently are while also reaching to the next level you’re aiming for. And so, as you uplevel, your brand messaging needs to grow, as well.
You may even find yourself at that point right now and thinking you don’t want to DIY it again. Even if you had the time (which you don’t!), you know you don’t have the expertise to take your messaging and copy to the next level. You’ve been there, tried it yourself, and now you know it’s an outside job!
But once you decide it’s time to hire someone to write your website copy for you, it then becomes a question of WHO you should hire.
Believe me, you don’t want just any writer to be responsible for the words of your business (the one that you’ve worked SO HARD to build!).
That may seem super obvious, but I’m pointing it out because I find there’s often a disconnect with what it truly takes to write truly good copy. A lot of smart, well-intentioned business owners simply don’t know that there’s a massive difference between writing and copywriting–and that a professional copywriter is the only kind of writer that can give them the transformational results they’re looking for.
So how is copywriting different?
Copywriting is much more than just ‘good’ writing. It’s a strategic marketing and advertising profession that requires extensive training and practice. Copywriters need to be great writers who also understand the psychological aspects of marketing and communication, and know how to navigate best practices for standard and digital marketing.
It actually isn’t like any other form of writing. Being a good writer is only a starting point, but it’s only part of being a good copywriter who can write effective copy.
That’s why I cringe a little when designers tell me things like, “I’m a pretty good writer so I think I can handle my copy myself,” or “My web guy says he used to write movies so he can write the copy.” (True story!)
It’s not that I think these folks are going to write BAD copy with misspelled words and commas in all the wrong places. It’s that they don’t know what I know about copywriting, including methods of subtle persuasion, psychological and emotional strategies, and even how to leverage SEO and UX/UI principles. Even if they write copy that sounds fine, they aren’t going to be able to create copy that does everything it can and should do to attract their ideal clients, earn their trust, and give them a meaningful experience that moves them to reach out.
It’s no different than when people tell you they’ll handle their home’s design themselves. Even if they have great taste, they aren’t trained professionals with all of the knowledge and resources you have at your disposal. While you’re equipped to help them achieve all their goals and then some, their own abilities can only get them so far.
Good copywriting is about more than just sounding professional & polished
Taking it even further, I don’t just believe you should hire a professional copywriter–I believe you should hire a professional copywriter who specializes in writing for interior designers.
This is because there are so many nuances involved in marketing for the design industry. It’s luxury but it’s also high-touch and highly personal; it’s a service but it also involves selling products; it’s your personal lifestyle brand but it also needs to center around your clients’ wants and needs (not to mention the many regional nuances in aesthetics and home markets).
There’s no room for error here. You can’t hire a pro writer who’s used to writing for law practices and accountants and expect them to understand you and your clients. No matter how good they are at what they do, this is different. What you need from a writer is highly specialized.
You wouldn’t go to a heart surgeon to get a facelift or a house painter to commission a piece of original art, would you? Then why would you hire someone who doesn’t specialize in the design industry for your brand’s website copy?!
Even if you try to bring them up to speed on your needs, they’re not likely to be able to create messaging that sounds authentic to you and resonates perfectly with your ideal clients as they wrestle with writing for an industry they’re not familiar with.
While any professional writer worth their salt should be able to give you web copy that’s professional and polished, that’s just barely scratching the surface on what you actually need.
Truly good interior design copywriting is about:
- Having a deep understanding of the nuances of marketing for the interior design industry and leveraging that knowledge to your advantage in your copy.
- Strategically creating messaging that clearly and authentically articulates your values and who you are as a designer, so that you’ll attract clients and projects that are aligned with you on a deeper level (this makes for happier, more successful projects for everyone involved!).
- Implementing integrity-filled, subtly persuasive messaging that gets right-fit clients to say ‘yes’ to hiring you, while subliminally deterring wrong-fit clients from inquiring
- Using strong empathy skills to understand your ideal clients, speak their language in your messaging, and connect with them on a deeper level, forming lasting relationships with them BEFORE you’ve ever even spoken with them
Your brand messaging plays a MASSIVE role in how you experience working in your business. The words on your website can (and should!) do so much more than just sound pretty. If written with expertise and skill, they have the power to attract ideal clients who are excited to pay top dollar for your services, and to repel wrong-fit clients who would end up being a nightmare to work with and costing you money in the end. This kind of messaging is truly make or break when it comes to building a profitable business you love vs. unintentionally building one that drains the life and profit out of you!
Good copywriting isn’t about stopping at sounding polished and professional. It’s about getting you in the room with the right people–your ideal clients. Because that affects everything else in your business and your life!
4 ways to tell if a copywriter can give you killer copy for your interior design website
So now you know you need a trusted expert who knows your industry and your ideal clients really well–what they’re looking for in a designer, what they need to hear to trust you, and what language to use to connect with them. You want to be 100% sure you’re investing in the right writer and not just wasting your hard-earned money!
But with the stakes so high, how in the world do you figure out who the best person is for the job? Don’t worry! I’ve got you covered with 4 questions to ask any writers you’re considering to help determine if a copywriter is right for you.
Before hiring someone, look at samples of interior designers’ websites they’ve written copy for and ask yourself:
- “What does your process look like?”
If it doesn’t involve asking you lots and lots of questions to understand exactly who you are, what your goals are for your business, and what your ideal clients really care about when it comes to hiring an interior designer, RUN! Even the best writers aren’t mind readers so if you want copy and messaging that reflects the ethos of your brand, they need to get everything about your business out of your head. Otherwise, they’ll be writing an essentially fictional representation of what they think your brand should be (in some ways, this is what PR writing is but it won’t help you connect with your ideal clients in a meaningful way and get you hired).
- “Can you show me examples of your work with other interior designers?”
Sometimes amazing examples might not be on a writer’s website because they were hired as ghost writers, BUT they’re permitted to show you the work individually offline. And like you, we writers don’t always get our most recent projects up on our sites in a timely fashion! Look for clear, compelling brand messages; a strong sense of the type of client the designer wants to work with and the kinds of projects they’re looking to attract; and an easy to follow hierarchy of messaging throughout the site, with no confusing or conflicting messaging and not poorly organized information because a confused prospect never buys!
- “What kinds of clients and projects do you most love to work with?”
If they love working with newbies but you’ve been in the biz for 20 years, it may not be a great match. The same goes if they like writing only for new websites but you’re looking to get new copy for your existing website or if their process requires more time from you than you’re able to give.
- “What kinds of changes have your clients seen in their businesses after working with you?”
If the only thing a writer can promise you is new copy, something’s wrong. A good copywriter will be able to point to transformations and growth in their clients’ businesses such as attracting more and better clients; being able to articulate more clearly and confidently about their business on- and offline; attracting attention from the press; earning speaking engagements, etc. Copywriting is a marketing and communications service that helps you level up your interior design business in multiple ways, making it well worth the investment!
I hope that clears up any confusion you may have had about the differences between writing and copywriting, as well as shedding light on why hiring a pro who specializes in the interior design industry is the best way to never waste money on hiring the wrong writer for your brand again!
If you’re looking for an experienced pro copywriter who specializes in the interior design industry to help you level up your website messaging, I’ve got you!
Contact me here to get started with a free chat about your needs and goals, and to determine if we’re a perfect fit!