There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. – Maya Angelou
I made my client cry.
Yep, right in the middle of her brand messaging presentation. I’d just finished going over her differentiators and was walking her through her clients’ values when she started tearing up.
“It’s just that you’re nailing it,” she said, “You get me. And I can’t believe it’s finally all being put into words.”
This actually happens a lot in my work with my clients.
And it makes sense, really. Because putting into words that thing that’s in your heart, finding vocabulary that lets you speak your truth clearly and confidently…
There’s something incredibly powerful – even life-changing – about that, my friends.
Putting your message into words – be it personal or for your business (because let’s face it, your business IS personal)…
It lets you show up differently.
For yourself.
For your clients.
For your family and friends and loved ones.
It tells your inner critic to go jump in a lake ‘cuz you’re legit.
It confirms to your own damn self that you’re for real.
It lets you see yourself as the person you’ve been working…
And struggling…
And fighting…
So hard for so long to be.
And to get others to see you as.
But the words – the right words – they make you see yourself so differently, like you’re looking at someone else and thinking, “Wow! They’re awesome! I wish I could be like them.”
And then you realize that you are like that.
It’s you.
You are the person you want to be.
And you finally know for sure…
You’re awesome.
You’re more than enough.
You’re worth every penny.
You do work that matters.
You matter.
And when you really see it,
When you really know it in the deepest parts of yourself,
That’s when you fully step into that awesome self you didn’t know you were all along.
And you thought this was just about getting great copy for your website.
All the best,