A prospect recently asked me what I mean by ‘website copy.’ It had never dawned on me before that, whether I call it ‘site copy,’ ‘web copy,’ ‘website copy,’ or just plain ‘copy,’ it falls in the category of industry-speak. And while some people may have a vague idea of what it means, it’s definitely not a word many people use regularly, if ever, which means it requires a little explanation.
Even though I answered her question easily enough, I felt horrible that I’d confused my prospect in the first place. I’d probably said the word at least 10 times up to that point, totally clueless that I was yammering on in writer-speak.
But it got me thinking that even though she was gracious enough to ask, there are loads of other people who don’t know what I’m talking about, either.
So, let me see if I can clear up the confusion.
‘Website copy’ is the text on your website
Words. Paragraphs. Headings. It’s any and all written material on your site – all the elements that aren’t photographs, artwork, or graphics.
Let me show you on an actual website homepage like this one from my amazing client, Katie Menon of Stephenson House Interiors.
When working with my clients under my Website Copy Package, I take responsibility for all of the elements like those shown on every page of their site. I even handle the text in the footer, client testimonials (I select which ones go on the site and edit them for length and clarity), text on the buttons leading to other pages on the site, image captions, etc. Generally speaking, the only text I don’t write are the copyright and attributions, which are typically the website designer’s territory. I even create the taglines and occasionally, a new business name (I LOVE coming up with those! So creative and fun!), which means my copywriting can appear in the logo, as well.
It’s soup-to-nuts, floor-to-ceiling, full-service copywriting, baby!
So now you know! Copy is just the text on your site. Even though it’s a simple definition, that doesn’t mean it’s common knowledge. Note. To. Self. You can bet I’ll be making sure to clarify what website copy is right off the bat on calls with my prospective clients in the future!
Got any questions about copy, copywriting, brand messaging, or anything pertaining to marketing for your interior design biz? Reach out to me here!