In my last blog post, I talked about how utterly overwhelming and intimidating the “marketing beast” can be.
Even when we know how important it is to be constantly marketing our businesses in order to stay in business, making marketing a regular task seems totally impossible. It’s like putting “Raise great kids” or “Save the rainforest” on our to do lists.
Too much. Too hard. Too everything.
But in the interest of helping you tame the marketing beast (aka, eat the elephant, take a journey of 1,000 miles, insert other making-something-daunting-feel-achievable metaphor here), I’ve broken the mega-concept of marketing your interior design business down into 4 simple steps.
1. Have something to say – because you can’t sell what you can’t put into words
2. Stand in your prospects’ shoes to test your message for clarity and appeal
3. Be strategic about what, when, where, and how to say it
4. Make it all easier by planning ahead
Admittedly, this isn’t a 5-minute process. I’m not trying to make what’s actually a majorly important responsibility for you as a business owner seem easy peasy.
I just want you to see marketing for what it really is – talking about your business clearly and confidently with your prospects at the front of your mind at all times.
The point is, in order to stop the cycle of either doing nothing to market your design business (and as a result being subject to waiting passively for your phone to ring) or on the flip side, throwing major money and/or time at marketing efforts you’ve heard might sometimes possibly kinda sorta work for others, you’ve got to get your head around what marketing effectively looks like for you and your business.
Think about it – even big corporations scale, focus, and strategize their marketing efforts based on what they’re trying to achieve and who their prospects are – so why shouldn’t you?
You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing – and you shouldn’t. But you should make well-thought-out decisions about what you need to communicate to the world about your business. And by ‘the world’ I mean carefully selected online and offline marketing channels!
Just like my philosophy on effective writing, I believe effective marketing happens mostly by thinking it through before you commit anything to paper/website/blog/email sales funnel.
I know this probably brings up loads of questions for you –
“How do I know what I need to say in my marketing?”
“Even if I come up with a marketing message, what do I do with it from there?”
“How do I make sure I’m communicating to the right people?”
“How do I plan my marketing? What does that even look like?!”
Even so, asking those questions is progress over thinking of marketing as just one giant ball of WHAAAATTT?!
These are still really big questions, though, and truth be told, the answers are very personal and specific to you, your prospects, and your current business goals.
That’s why I’m creating a solution to help you answer all of that and more in a step-by-step system created just for interior designers.
I’ll be unveiling more in the coming weeks about this awesome resource that I truly think will change your marketing (and your design business!) forever.
I can’t wait to share it with you, but all of the techie stuff isn’t totally ready to roll yet. Once it is, you’ll be able to pop it in your shopping cart and get started right away. Eeeeeeee!!! I’m so excited!!!
I’ll be posting a link to get it soon, so keep following me on social media and on the blog. Oh, and tell your designer friends too. No keeping something this fab to yourself!
All the best,